Nicholas Kristof writes a thoughtful account of anti-US sentiment around the world at the moment. This is my article of the day. There’s an idea: one article of reccommended reading per day! 🙂
There are some witty accounts of unkind, to say the least, things that were said lately about the US and its ‘moronic’ leader. For example:
Then the Toronto Globe and Mail newspaper conducted a (hopelessly unscientific) poll on its Web site, asking Canadians whether they agreed that “Americans are behaving like `bastards.’ ” The returns aren’t good: as of yesterday, 51 percent were saying yes.
And then he goes on to mention various polls, such as that carried out here in Ireland.
The U.S. debate on the antipathy toward us has been misleading, I think, in its focus on France. (There’s now an American bumper sticker: “Iraq Now, France Next.”) It’s not just the prickly Gauls who are taking potshots at us it’s even our buddies, like the Canadians and the Irish.
In a survey, The Sunday Independent newspaper of Ireland polled Dublin residents about whom they feared most, Saddam Hussein or George Bush. The result: 39 percent picked Saddam; 60 percent, Mr. Bush. Even in Britain, a poll by The Sunday Times of London found that equal numbers called Saddam and Mr. Bush the “greatest threat to world peace.”
I would agree, I think Bush is a greater threat to world peace, and I think that is self-evident. Kristoff then goes on to list the troubles between the allies:
So let’s take stock of how our invasion of Iraq is going. The Western alliance is ferociously strained, NATO is paralyzed, America is resented by millions, the United Nations is in crisis, U.S. pals like Tony Blair are being skewered at home, North Korea has exploited our distraction to crank up plutonium production, oil prices have surged, and the world financial markets have sagged.
And the war hasn’t even begun yet.
Hahaha, and they a quote from Jay Leno:
Of course, the U.S. may have a solid plan, as Jay Leno said: “President Bush may be the smartest military president in history. First he gets Iraq to destroy all of their own weapons. Then he declares war.”
And more on occupation of Iraq…
As one savvy official observed, occupying Baghdad comes at an “unpardonable expense in terms of money, lives lost and ruined regional relationships.” Another expert put it this way: “We should not march into Baghdad. . . . To occupy Iraq would instantly shatter our coalition, turning the whole Arab world against us, and make a broken tyrant into a latter-day Arab hero . . . assigning young soldiers to a fruitless hunt for a securely entrenched dictator and condemning them to fight in what would be an unwinnable urban guerrilla war. It could only plunge that part of the world into even greater instability.”
Who wrote that?
The first comment was made by Colin Powell in a Foreign Affairs essay in 1992; the second is in “A World Transformed,” a 1998 book by the first President Bush.