Enlarging spam

God help us and save us. [via Bernie]

Why do your inboxes get full of spam, asking you if you want a drug to enlarge your penis? Because it works.

Thousands of dumbasses fall for it, and send off money only to receive a dud product or no product at all.

An order log left exposed at one of Amazing Internet Products’ websites revealed that, over a four-week period, some 6,000 people responded to e-mail ads and placed orders for the company’s Pinacle herbal supplement. Most customers ordered two bottles of the pills at a price of $50 per bottle.
Do the math and you begin to understand why spammers are willing to put up with the wrath of spam recipients, Internet service providers and federal regulators.

Since July 4, Amazing Internet Products would have grossed more than half a million dollars from Goringly.biz, one of several sites operated by the company to hawk its penis pills.

Is it more dumb people, or smart companies?



