
Dan Gillmor has started his new project over in San Fran, all looks interesting.

I’ve moved my blog to Bayosphere, where I’ll report and comment on the Silicon Valley technology community — and a whole lot more including my observations about the burgeoning arena that’s variously called citizen journalism, personal publishing, grassroots media and a lot of other things. They all have something in common: the read-write Web.

As you’ll see in days and weeks to come, I’ll be one of many voices, including yours. I’m a host here, not The Editor. Communities have values; we’ll have the kind that make this a place we want to share with visitors and each other. So while our postings and conversations will frequently be impassioned, they’ll also be civil. Beyond that, we’ll be adding tools that make it easy to join in and to do good work, often collaborating with others.

Let’s build a space where people can find news and opinion they can trust, and information that helps us in our daily lives.

I don’t know everything that’s going on the Bay Area. And I don’t know everything about citizen journalism. But you and I, together, know a lot.

The Bayosphere team will offer ideas and assistance. In the end, though, we’ll all figure this out together.



