Google Earth update – Ireland

Finally. Midleton, Co Cork has made onto Google Earth in hi res as part of the December update. The town is joined by some others in east Cork, including Cobh and Carrigtwohill, and the whole of Cork Harbour. Satellite pics of Ireland have never been this good.

Other additions include bits of Kerry and Clare, Mayo and Galway, Lough Rea, bits of Roscommon and Longford, a big portion of Laois, Westmeath and Kilkenny, the Arann Islands, large parts of the Burren, Donegal and as far as I can tell some of Wexford too.

Antartica has also been included as part of Landsat imagery.

The images don’t appear to be on Google Maps yet, but no doubt they will be soon.

Is your house on Google now? Mine is… Hmm.

More additions listed over the Google Earth blog.



