Facebook group update

I am still amazed. We can no longer keep count of invites to the Cervical Cancer Vaccine Facebook group. When it went beyond 6,000 invites, Facebook simply stopped showing how many are now invited.

So the revised figures, just 60 hours into the campaign:

1,781 members
6,000+ invited (could be way higher)
61 wall posts

The growth figures in three days (and so far today)

November 12: 255 members, 1,760 invited
November 13: 1,012 members, 5,534 invited
November 14: 1,781 members, 6,000+ invited

If current levels of uptake continue, the group will reach 10,000 members by the end of next week.

Red Mum
will be at the Spire in Dublin at 2pm tomorrow, to protest Harney’s decision.



