Author: Anthony Sheridan

  • Nada corruption?

    An article by Leslie Mallory in yesterday’s Sunday Independent talks about planning corruption in Spain. The general tone of the article is ‘If you think things are bad in Ireland, take a look at Spain.’ In other words Spain has a greater problem with corruption than Ireland. The article spoke of local politicians appearing in…

  • The Myers/Kennedy apology

    In his by now notorious article on mothers of bastards (MoBs) Kevin Myers wrote: “…upon a career of mothering bastards because it seems a good way of getting money and accommodation from the State? Ah, you didn’t like the term bastard? No, I didn’t think you would.”. Here’s what he wrote in his apology. “I…

  • PDs = Fianna Fail

    The Progressive Democrats, once the bright shining light in the murky and corrupt world of Irish politics. The only party that had principles and actually stood by them. The party that stood up to Haughey’s rotten Fianna Fail. The party with the passionate rallying call, “We are either radical or redundant”. Well, they certainly aren’t…

  • Myers causes a storm

    Kevin Myers has finally lost the plot. Writing in the Irish Times(sub. required), he attacks teenagers who, as he says, “Consciously embark upon a career of mothering bastards because it seems a good way of getting money and accommodation from the State.” Despite massive public and media reaction, Mr. Myers has (perhaps wisely) apparently gone…

  • Fisking John Drennan

    Ireland is a corrupt country. The disease of corruption is so embedded in Irish society that it is not even noticed by the majority of the population. Even in the media, there are many who simply refuse to accept/recognise corruption when it stares them in the face. John Drennan wrote an article (reg. required) in…

  • Pause for a laugh – Genuine extracts from letters sent to Local Councils in Ireland

    1. I wish to complain that my father hurt his ankle very badly when he put his foot in the hole in his back passage 2. The lavatory is blocked so will you send a man to look into it? 3. Our gutters are blocked. This has been caused by the boys next door throwing…

  • Revenue not taxing itself over prosecutions: Colm Keena

    This article in the Irish Times (subscription only) is reflecting the fact that Irish authorities are not serious about dealing with white collar crime. In effect, it again confirms that corruption is endemic in Ireland. Over recent years Revenue have been given many extra powers to deal with tax cheats but have failed to use…

  • Ronan Mullin and Bush

    According to Ronan Mullin, George W Bush is a clean-living, born again Christian who opposes abortion. Opponents of Mr. Bush like Howard Dean and General Wesley Clarke are loons and weirdoes. Al Gore is a pathetic whining figure who slobbers over his wife and wears too much make-up. All this invective comes from a journalist…

  • No taxation without representation

    “Sit there in the corner, keep your mouths shut and do what you’re told.” This in a nutshell is how the Town Manager of Cobh Local Authority, Mary O’Halloran, dealt with our so-called public representatives at the annual estimates meeting of Cobh Council. Ms. O’Halloran was delivering a diktat from Central Government that Service Charges…

  • Hey

    Hello, I am Anthony, Gavin’s uncle. I will be posting my thoughts here occassionally.