Category: African politics

  • Congo war history

    The Economist have a rather cool 5 minute long videographic detailing the 15-year war in the Congo.

  • Sudanese president charged

    Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir has been charged with genocide and crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court. From MSNBC: The action by the prosecutor, Luis Moreno-Ocampo of Argentina, will mark the first time that the tribunal in The Hague charges a sitting head of state with such crimes, and represents a major step…

  • Wolfowitz on Mugabe

    Paul Wolfowitz, “who knows a thing or two about overthrowing tyrants”, tells Foreign Policy that the secret to ousting Zimbabwe’s president is showing his people how much better off they’ll be without him. “FP: What do you think will be the tipping point when Zimbabweans are strong enough to take matters into their own hands?…

  • Darfur rebels release AU hostages

    Sounds familiar doesn’t it? Srebrenica is a black mark on UN history, and the taking hostage of AU peacekeepers does not bode well for the future of that organisation.

  • Bill Gates and Bono

    The Irish Times had an opinion piece today from none other than Bono and Bill Gates. You can read the text here. They have a four point plan: For a start, we hope that the leaders of every developed nation will resolve to take four crucial steps in 2005. The wealthy world has already committed…