Category: e-Voting

  • Aftermath Of Failed Electronic Voting

    Slashdot are pointing to a story in the CS Monitor and NPR concerning electronic voting: A combination of human error (setting the machine to record a maximum of three thousand votes when eight thousand people voted) and a software malfunction (the machine kept accepting ballots after its memory was overloaded) resulted in the loss of…

  • 2004 Election Weirdness Continues

    Alot of these stories have been discounted of late, but still worth a look at with regard to the whole subject of e-voting. I’ve read dozens of submissions about election anomalies in the last week and they show no sign of slowing so I’ve decided to post a few of the main ones here to…

  • E-voting problems

    Well Florida voters got their first taste of the problems that could end up becoming endemic throughout the US, but some clever people have put together a problem that could arise. Hehe. Thanks to Dan for the link. Having problems voting? Vote for Bush!

  • How They Could Steal the Election This Time

    Ronnie Dugger on the problems with e-Voting.

  • The Week in Politics

    Blogging has been light, I was in Dublin on Saturday night to visit some old friends and to attend a party with the folks from Irish Citizens for Trustworthy E-voting. The lads from RTE’s Week in Politics were there, doing a piece on Cullen’s climbdown. We had some cake, some champagne, and Joe McCarthy made…

  • Martin Cullen on Primetime

    Martin Cullen just spent 5 minutes on Primetime, more or less saying that he should get the credit for the decision of the Commission on Electronic Voting. He did so many somersaults and back flips in the interview I found it hard to keep track. I will be transcribing the whole thing as soon as…

  • E-voting climbdown

    What a great day, to my absolute surprise the Commission on Electronic Voting has decided that the system is not reliable or secure. Martin Cullen featured on the News At One, and refused to resign over the issue. He brands himself an ‘innovator’ and tries to spin it so the whole thing does not sound…

  • Senators call for paper trail in e-voting

    Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Bob Graham called Wednesday for a paper trail to back up electronic voting throughout the country. If only our opposition parties were this organised…

  • Electronic Voting Follies, Continued

    Dan with more stories on why e-voting, in any country, cannot be trusted.

  • Lies, votes and Martin Cullen: What is the government up to?

    I’ve had it. The Irish government’s position on e-voting is absolutely untenable. The more I read of the what the government believes, the more vehement in opposing it I become. The international media, and indeed the online community has thus far failed to notice the huge issues involved in the debate in Ireland. The people:…