Category: General

  • Ireland honours St Patrick

    Great video:

  • Rome

    Some initial pictures from Rome:

  • Another year

    28 years young today. And enjoying the roman weather 🙂

  • Jackie's Kenya trip

  • Oprah's port-a-potty visit

    Some readers and people here in Chicago have shown much interest in the pictures I took last night of Oprah Winfrey’s visit to the port-a-potty (Yes she did). Here are the pics in all their glory. Oprah’s minder shines a light on the ground before her, lest she fall. Oprah exits the port-a-potty, minder at…

  • Election day in Chicago

    The sun is rising over Lake Michigan as I write this. It’s 7am Central and at 8.30 we head out to some polling stations around Chicago to watch the election kick off. NPR were reporting last night that up to 1 million people could descend on Chicago today, with tickets only available for 75,000. This…

  • Gori, looking south

    I had a quick look round the tank base in Gori two weeks ago, and posted some photos. Towards the end of my trip to Georgia, I made my way up to the castle in the centre of Gori – it gives commanding views of the town and the surrounding area. Looking south I took…

  • Russia pulls back

    It is being reported that Russian forces are pulling back from their ‘buffer zones’ around Ossetia and Abkhazia. I took some photos in Karaleti on October 1, between Gori and Tskhvinali. This checkpoint appears now to have been dismantled. It’s a little hard to make out, but you can see the extent of tracks in…

  • What does the US do now?

    Bush said: Russia’s government must respect Georgia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. The Russian government must reverse the course it appears to be on, and accept this peace agreement as a first step toward resolving this conflict. Russia’s actions this week have raised serious questions about its intentions in Georgia and the region. These actions have…

  • 3G iPhone

    It has arrived. Black plastic back… hmm. Flush headphone jack. Thinner. A-GPS. Much as expected. It looks nice. Battery life seems to have been a big deal, huge improvements.