Category: History

  • Hannibal, Battle of Cannae

    I am really enjoying reading about the various exploits of those who dared to stand against the Roman Empire. Hannibal is a name known to many, and famous for his taking elephants through the Alps. Perhaps the most interesting battle I have come across is the Battle of Cannae. The scene is Italy, 216 BC.…

  • Remembering the Irish

    Young Irelander wonders if there is any form of website that promotes the issue of Irish participation in the two world wars. This is a serious subject, and one I have personal experience of. My great grand uncle, Owen Clerkin, was killed near the Somme valley on the 15th of September 1916. This was towards…

  • Odyssey in search of treasure

    The Guardian has a good article on the impending excavation of the wreck of the Sussex, a British warship that sank in 1694 while on a secret diplomatic mission for King William III. The estimated value of the contents of the vessel is £2.4bn. A company called Odyssey will be very rich if it finds…

  • History is always important

    Tristram Hunt, who teaches history at the University of London, expresses his concern at the decline of history as a subject in British schools. Of late, the Prince of Wales, has also expressed his concern, calling for a more coherent curriculum. Worth the read.