Category: Iran

  • Iran protest footage

    This appears to be fresh out of Iran via BBC Persian. It appears to show Basij militia firing on unarmed protesters. It’s pretty raw footage, so viewer discretion is advised.

  • Iran protests

    A 6 minute graphic video with music. Some very graphic scenes. It portrays the first week or so of protests. It is interesting: all recorded by amateurs, produced and edited and put online for the consumption of the entire world. Total monetary cost: next to nothing. Amazing world we live in.

  • Bush to establish Iran diplomatic mission

    The Guardian have a story that George Bush will establish a US diplomatic mission in Tehran for the first time in 30 years. The Guardian has learned that an announcement will be made in the next month to establish a US interests section in Tehran, a halfway house to setting up a full embassy. The…

  • Ahmad Batebi

    In July 1999 the man on this cover of the Economist, Ahmad Batebi, was arrested by Iranian authorities. He was tortured and told he would be killed. During his interrogation he was blindfolded and beaten with cables until he passed out. His captors rubbed salt into his wounds to wake him up, so they could…

  • Operation Iranian Freedom

    Back to Iran again. Geoffrey Kemp writing in the National Interest is hoping that for the sake of America’s interest, Israel is not planning to strike Iran. Could or would Israel try to drag the United States into such a confrontation? The answer is no, unless this is what the Bush administration wants to happen.…

  • What's going on with Iran?

    Mr Hersh is talking about Iran again. Kevin Drum points to a good Q&A by Laura Rozen over at Mother Jones. Danny Postel points to this interesting piece in the Economist. It does not make for pleasant reading. After Israel’s recent practice run for bombing Iran, the newspaper concludes that they may not be bluffing.…

  • Colbert on fire

    This is the best ‘Word’ segment I have ever seen. Colbert discusses the drum beat for war with Iran. Gotta love the Star Wars clip – perfect. Money quote: Everyone knows that Cheney’s fondest pipe dream is driving a bulldozer into the New York Times while drinking crude oil out of Keith Olbermann’s skull.

  • Colbert on Iran

    Love it.

  • 'No progress' from EU-Iran talks

    It looks like deadlock. We will have to wait and see. A UK diplomat said the EU3, the foreign ministers of the UK, Germany and France – had not heard anything new. The Iranian official, Javad Vaeedi, cast the talks in a positive light and said he hoped the talks would continue. The UN’s nuclear…

  • Iran row escalates

    I thought this quote rather interesting: IAEA head Mohamed ElBaradei told Newsweek magazine that after three years of intensive work, he is still not able to conclude that Iran’s nuclear programme is aimed purely at energy creation rather than the manufacture of nuclear weapons. “If they have the nuclear material and they have a parallel…