Category: Lisbon Treaty

  • Lisbon 2 in Autumn '09?

    The Telegraph are saying this is the likely day for our second referendum on the Lisbon Treaty. I must say, I like the name of the briefing paper: The Solution to the Irish Problem An internal EU briefing paper, entitled The Solution to the Irish Problem, predicts that Dublin will accede to the re-run at…

  • The Economist on the referendum

    This is not to say that everything in the treaty is bad. It would have improved the institutional machinery in Brussels, sorted out a muddle in foreign-policy making and brought in a fairer system of voting by EU members. But these are not the sorts of changes to set voters alight. And in truth, few…

  • John Waters fucks up – again

    Sigh. An awful rant today from Mr Waters. Will he ever learn? A survey of 2,000 voters conducted by the European Commission immediately after the vote revealed that more than 70 per cent of those who voted No believed the treaty could easily be renegotiated. This poll also found that many people who did not…