Category: US Politics

  • Inauguration photos

    It is a difficult thing to describe. I was among the million in the crowd, and had a front row seat to history being made. Among the highlights though were the reaction of the crowd to George Bush – wholescale boos. This was followed by everyone singing “na na na na, na na na na,…

  • Inauguration day

    Heading down to the national mall now… looks like 2 million people will turn out. Will take a few photos. 🙂

  • In the crowd at the Lincoln Memorial

    Garth Brooks does shout. The crowd went wild. The ground shook from people jumping up and down. Unbelievable.

  • Lincoln Memorial concert pictures

    If anyone was wondering how many people went, all I can say is that a huge amount went. I have never seen so many people congregate in one place. This photo demonstrates, almost: All the way from Lincoln to the Washington monument. Estimates are 500,000 people, which I would agree with. Lots more in the…

  • Off to Inauguration 2009

    Tomorrow I head to Washington to go boozing celebrate the inauguration of Barack Obama. Blogging will be lighter but you will still be able to follow me on Twitter for text and photos and on Qik for live/recorded video.

  • Lincoln Memorial Event lineup

    Gosh, Obama sure gets the celebrities to come out and sing on January 19. (I might try to go but I imagine it will be heaving) Musical performers scheduled for the event include Beyonce, Mary J. Blige, Bono, Garth Brooks, Sheryl Crow, Renee Fleming, Josh Groban, Herbie Hancock, Heather Headley, John Legend, Jennifer Nettles, John…

  • Sanjay Gupta for Surgeon General?

    Say it aint so! Wonkette says a good analogy would be Judge Judy for Supreme Court. Hehe. Dr. Gupta, who performs double duty as a medical correspondent for CNN and a neurosurgeon, is a leading contender to fill the high-profile position in the Obama administration. The job could be accepted in the coming days, according…

  • Panetta picked for CIA

    Leon Panetta is to head the Central Intelligence Agency. Coverage from: Politico Steve Clemons gives his take Talking Points Memo Red State Andrew Sullivan Danger Room has a good round up

  • Inauguration blogging

    Yes, for my sins, I am going to Washington to see Barack Obama become POTUS. I will be spending a week there, and I expect it to be damn cold. Irish Examiner colleague Conor Ryan (who will soon dip his toe into the world of blogging himself) will be coming with, as will one of…

  • Picking Steven Chu

    Barack Obama has picked his energy team. Says Bloomberg: Obama named Nobel laureate Steven Chu as his choice as secretary of the Energy Department and Lisa Jackson as head of the Environmental Protection Agency. He also named former EPA chief Carol Browner to fill a new position as head of the National Energy Council and…