Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Fear strikes again
Yes fear, it appears, is the number one priority of the US and the UK these days. Instil fear in your populations and they will stay quiet, and our leaders can then do as they wish. Osama is talking on al-Jazeera again apparently, praising the attacks in Bali and the hostage taking in Moscow. CNN…
El Reg one of the top 20 sites in UK
Yes the Register has made it to the big time. They have been told they are number 17 in the top 100 UK websites. More power to this informative and witty tech news resource. They should be closer to number 1 I would say!
A defiant Russia, and Europe
Jonathan Steele writes an interesting article in the Guardian today. I cannot agree more with his closing sentiment that we need to “restore the integrity of the UN as the arbiter of international conflicts, and to restrain the irresponsible use of American military might.” In light of the impending invasion of Iraq we should realise…
Gavinsblog.com updated!
Well I have finally updated my site. I hope to add a comments section soon, because no one goes to the bother of emailing anyone these days – that would take too much time. And with the other 100,000 blogs out there I am up against a fair amount of competition. As can be seen…
Its Armistice Day (Let's hope we won't need any more of them)
Yes its November the 11th, the day the Great War ended back in 1918. Since my visits to the Somme and Belgium I am more acutely aware of this war and its effects, I am currently reading about that period in history. From Bismarck’s successful creation of the German Empire in 1871, to the destruction…
Colin Powell on Saddam
Published in the Washington Post originally, this article appears in today’s Tribune. Powell argues in favour of the UN resolution recently passed unanimously. What I always find dubious is that Saddam using his weapons on his own people being put up as an example of how cruel a dictator he is. For reference to this…
Rome = Washington
This is a very interesting article in the Guardian today. Jonathan Freedland writes an excellent piece on the ins and outs of whether the US empire today could be compared to the Roman Empire c300BC – 150AD. Strangely enough, this argument is one that the irreverant Anthony Sheridan and I have discussed with the other…
Right-wing mania
A very interesting read, if somewhat disturbing. I can only agree with the journalist in question on his closing remarks, “The only people more dangerous than dumb bigots are smart, educated ones”.
Fukuyama under attack: Amitav Acharya
Amitav Acharya writes an interesting piece in today’s Tribune. This subject is one that interests me greatly, as can be seen be seen from previous postings about Fukuyama. The book mentioned in Acharya’s article, the Clash of Civilizations by Sam Huntington, I actually bought for my uncle last Christmas, but have recently borrowed from him…
Motorola leaks plans for mobiles
Motorola managed to somehow leak information about phones (this link will likely not last long) they plan to release next year. Most of them do look very nice, and I had not expected phones with 802.11b/GSM/GPRS/3G phone to be coming out quiet as soon as 2003 The Reg are right though, those V70i phones do…
Got any book recommendations?