Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • NAMA and risk reports

    [Crossposted to thestory.ie] I will post the document first and tell the story below, it’s worth a look. The information contained in this FOI, is I believe, valuable. Cost-benefit analyses, impact reports or preparatory reports for NAMA Why is this information valuable? It contains a timeline of what companies were involved in consulting the Government…

  • Ursula Halligan interviews Ahern

    I didn’t get all of them, but here are most of the questions she asked: Why is drumcondra so important to you? Con Ahern, he’s a fascinating character..? What is a flying column? How did he keep order in his house? He would give you the odd thump? Were you afraid of him? You liked…

  • Bertie and Dubai

    Bertie + Dubai = economic implosion I don’t think I can add anything to that.

  • Baker Tilly report

    For those interested on what goes on at some State bodies that do not fall under FOI legislation, Mark has distilled the details of the Baker Tilly report in CIE (the Irish operator of railways), and posted the report itself. It details widespread fraud at the body, and is the first time the report has…

  • In Barcelona

    Blogging has been very light recently as I’ve been busy with stuff over at thestory.ie, and now I’m in Barcelona for PDF Europe. Day 1 looks like a great lineup and I’m looking forward to meeting lots of interest people over the next couple of days. And I didn’t bring my camera. D’oh.

  • Ireland's note to the Commission

    [Cross posted to thestory.ie] I was interested in some FOI work that Deputy Joan Burton had been doing lately on Anglo Irish Bank, so I contacted her and asked for any documents or refusals she had received. She was kind enough to copy everything and post them down to me. I have now scanned and…

  • Back

    Back from holidays, though yet to upload most of the pictures. Palmyra was very impressive indeed.

  • Antioch and Aleppo

    We left Adana on Monday, travelling to Antioch by bus. It was a nice trip, the bus was air conditioned and almost empty. The bus had two drivers, who switched half way through. They also gave out free Pepsi, fizzy orange and tea.

  • Adana, Turkey

    Went for a stroll around Adana today, going to the train station, the Sabanci Mosque (the largest in Turkey) and the Roman bridge built by either Hadrian or Justinian. All very impressive pieces of architecture. A person working for the mosque was kind enough to show us around and bring us to the top of…

  • TD/Senator expenses 2005 – 2008

    [cross posted to thestory.ie] For the record and as part of an ongoing FOI request, here are all expenses and salaries of all TDs and Senators, 2005 – 2008. I received them today via email from the Houses of the Oireachtas Commission. We hope to digitise this data shortly. I also received the following note:…

Got any book recommendations?