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God in the Constitution?

The Herald Tribune has an interesting piece by its regular contributor William Pfaff. The Convention on Europe is deciding whether there should be a reference to Christianity in the European Constitution. I do not believe there should be a European Constitution, God in it or not. I believe that the designs particular Europeans have for the EU are far too imperialistic and much akin to creating a United States. This is not good for anyone.

Saddam accepts inspectors

Iraq today accepted a unanimous security council resolution for the return of weapons inspectors, Iraq’s ambassador to the UN said. Ambassador Mohammed Al-Douri said he had delivered a letter unconditionally accepting the resolution to the office of the UN secretary general, Kofi Annan. The letter was delivered two days before a UN-mandated deadline.

What strikes me is that under the resolution Saddam must declare all weapons of mass destruction to the UN by Dec 8th. If he does not, America will invade. Well Saddam has already said they possess no such weapons. So expect to see the invasion early next year.

If Saddam blinks after Dec. 8th, its Gulf War II: The Vengeance

Dennis Ross is in the Post today writing about Saddam and Iraq. In glowing praise of the Bush administration Ross seems to be under the impression that war with Iraq will only happen if Saddam blinks. Maybe I am the only one that thinks it, but I believe war with Iraq will happen come hell or high water. It IS going to happen. Even if Saddam has no weapons of mass destruction, it is still the stated intention to remove him from power anyway. You’ve been living in a dream world Dennis.

Fear strikes again

Yes fear, it appears, is the number one priority of the US and the UK these days. Instil fear in your populations and they will stay quiet, and our leaders can then do as they wish. Osama is talking on al-Jazeera again apparently, praising the attacks in Bali and the hostage taking in Moscow. CNN is hardly the best source for news, but on occasion I will link to it. It is amazing how differently things are reported than here in Europe.

A defiant Russia, and Europe

Jonathan Steele writes an interesting article in the Guardian today. I cannot agree more with his closing sentiment that we need to “restore the integrity of the UN as the arbiter of international conflicts, and to restrain the irresponsible use of American military might.” In light of the impending invasion of Iraq we should realise that only the most multilateral and internationalist option is the solution. Otherwise we will repeat mistakes made throughout history. updated!

Well I have finally updated my site. I hope to add a comments section soon, because no one goes to the bother of emailing anyone these days – that would take too much time. And with the other 100,000 blogs out there I am up against a fair amount of competition. As can be seen here my site has been receiving about 300 hits a month at best. God knows how many of them are some web crawlers or something. But all I can so is hope that there are people out there with similar ideas and interests to me, and would like to read about them here.

Its Armistice Day (Let's hope we won't need any more of them)

Yes its November the 11th, the day the Great War ended back in 1918. Since my visits to the Somme and Belgium I am more acutely aware of this war and its effects, I am currently reading about that period in history. From Bismarck’s successful creation of the German Empire in 1871, to the destruction of several empires in 1918 and the start of what Bobbitt calls the ‘Long War’

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