Category: Terrorism

  • Buying poppies from Afghanis

    Interesting to see that the idea is not being entirely discounted. I posted on it a few months back. Vague said analysts had suggested that the United States buy Afghanistan’s illicit drug crops as a way of easing tensions. He says that’s no crazier than the way the United States paid tens of thousands of…

  • Nir Rosen and the Taliban

    Nir Rosen, veteran of reporting from Fallujah at the height of the insurgency in Iraq, writes in the latest issue of Rolling Stone about the Taliban. Or rather, he writes about his time spent with the Taliban in Afghanistan. By the time we reach the town of Salar, only 50 miles south of Kabul, we…

  • Jon Stewart on the Obama New Yorker

  • Hitchens is waterboarded

    Believe me, it’s torture, says Hitchens. Which returns us to my starting point, about the distinction between training for something and training to resist it. One used to be told—and surely with truth—that the lethal fanatics of al-Qaeda were schooled to lie, and instructed to claim that they had been tortured and maltreated whether they…

  • Deterring terrorists

    Shmuel Bar, who is director of studies at the Institute for Policy and Strategy at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC), Herzliya, writes in the latest edition of Policy Review. The subject of his essay is what Israel has learned about deterring terrorists. It’s a good read, and he even manages to quote one Gerry Adams. While…

  • Jon Stewart on the Miami Seven

    Classic Stewart. Go to C & L to watch the video.

  • Triple suicide at Guantanamo camp

    I have to say I am somewhat dismayed by the reaction of the US authorities to the suicide of three Guantanamo inmates: Rear Adm Harris said he did not believe the men had killed themselves out of despair. “They are smart. They are creative, they are committed,” he said, quoted by Reuters. “They have no…

  • Zarqawi Killed

    CNN are showing a video of the airstrike that has apparently killed one of the most wanted men in the world, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Whether or not his death will affect the overall insurgency remains to be seen. It could be just as likely that his successor will carry on as ever, though without the…

  • Passenger shot on Florida plane

    London shooting take two? A passenger claiming to have a bomb on board an American Airlines plane in Miami has been shot and wounded by a US federal officer, officials have said. The passenger, who has been arrested, was challenged by the air marshal after he seemed to reach into a bag. He tried to…

  • C.I.A. Asks Criminal Inquiry Over Secret-Prison Article

    As John speculated in a comment on here last week, the CIA are seeking information about the leak. Notes the NY Times: The Central Intelligence Agency has asked the Justice Department to open a criminal investigation to determine the source of a Washington Post article that said the agency had set up a covert prison…