Condoleezza Rice and the subtext

This is very interesting indeed. Condoleezza Rice said on Sunday that war with Iraq would become unavoidable unless UN Security Council members united soon behind a tough, common approach to Baghdad.

What? This is typical of the Bush administration. Reading the subtext its more like a veiled threat. “The UN better toe the line and agree to war, or else, we go to war. ” Amazing rhetoric too.

Its simple, the decision is made, war will happen.






2 responses to “Condoleezza Rice and the subtext”

  1. Mickey Ganesh avatar

    Vulcans Unite under one Flag
    Condoleezza Rice and Martha Stewart
    “Let them fall on their swords, or clap them in stocks –– a good dunking would get at the truth. The scriptures have warned of false prophets, they will see what Hellfire and Damn-nation does to evil doers”
    Jerry Fallwell

    Well, at last there is hope for Vulcans, Prolapse Therapy, a new approach to character bahavior modification.