Bush backs Arnie

George Bush has said of Arnie “I think he’d be a good governor”.

Watching the Running Man being interviewed I find that I like his style. I think he will be elected. And I’d vote for him.






4 responses to “Bush backs Arnie”

  1. Natalie avatar

    Surely you are joking, Gavin? Tell me that you really don’t mean you’d vote for Arnie???

  2. Gavin avatar

    Why not Natalie?

  3. Natalie avatar

    Well, look up his life story and general outlook.

    Not that being a ham actor means you can’t be a politician. But this one is scary.

    However, if the Californians want him, no doubt they’ll have him.

  4. gfhgf avatar

    he is a bully and a thugm Fisrt of all we are going to campaign to defeat and terminate Proposition 76, and then wwe will defeat and terminate the poluitical career of arnie, the nazi