Apologies to readers, my cable connection has been intermittent in the last few days due to NTL problems with its DNS clusters. The problem should be fixed shortly. In the meantime I would direct you to the blogs in my daily reads section.
In other news I finally met fellow blogger Roger Ridey at the offices of the New Statesman last week in London. No time for pints this time Roger, but I’m sure we will try and make up for lost time.
Incidentally I will be an intern at the New Statesman for the month of September. I look forward to letting my readers know all the ins and outs of the lively media industry in London.
Will report back on Cable connections once it has been reestablished.
(Blogged from an Espresso House)
4 responses to “Cable problems”
Looking forward to your arrival at the NS, Gavin, although I do have a worrying feeling that the term “making up for lost time” is likely to be all too accurate when it comes to my personal pint consumption in the month of September.
congrats on the internship and I’m glad to see you back posting!
Gavin that’s great news about your entry into the hallowed NS! How soon before we see Gavin’s Column appear on their pages?
Ah sure I dont know Natalie, we will have to see. Thanks for the comments Roger and Trish. I think myself and Roger will grow quite fond of beer for the month of Sep and apologies to Trish for my lack of posting.
I shall have to make up for lost time.