Radio show

Dick has blogged on our being interviewed on Dublin’s NewsTalk 106 yesterday. I thought he was much more articulate than my mumblings but I was *at least* as nervous as he. I shall have to work on my speech. The debate was interesting though and it was good to hear the subject getting an airing. I think Hugh Linehan, the presenter, seemed slightly bewildered by the idea but positive about aspects of it.

Thanks too to Karlin, she tipped the researcher off about me. Hope you have a good weekend Karlin. 🙂

I will blog on the discussion more after I return from Paris (dirty weekend)






One response to “Radio show”

  1. […] 2,620 posts (not all mine), 12,828 comments, in 40 categories. Probably upwards of 150,000 blocked or deleted spam comments. 1,337 days since I started this little corner of the net. Somehow ranked 10,807th out of 31 million blogs (474 links from 141 sites) Moved hosts 4 times. 3 types of blog software. 1,337 days of almost continuous online presence. Spikes in traffic, falls in traffic. Instalanched. Winered. Monthly’d. Boing’d. Slashdotted. Spawned offspring, some of whom I think still blog. Met bloggers, London, Toronto, Washington, Boston, Dublin. 1.36 million page views, 925,000 unique visits. The Irish blogosphere going from the 15 or 20 when I started to the enormous number now. Changes in look and feel. Bandwidth stealing. SQL. WordPress. Movable Type. Daypop. Popdex. Technorati. Google buys Pyra. Featured on various radio shows to talk about blogging and e-voting, that TV thing to talk about blogging. Explained to god knows how many people what a ‘blog’ is. Used various definitions. Converted some to the ways of the blog, others were having none of it. Hope to see aggregators for Irish blogs, wishes came true. […]