Europeans' doubt over U.S. policy rises

An interesting poll in the IHT this week:

The yawning political divide between Europe and the United States that was opened by the war in Iraq has continued to widen, according to a new survey of trans-Atlantic attitudes.

The survey of 8,000 Americans and Europeans, conducted by the German Marshall Fund, found citizens on both sides of the Atlantic raising similar concerns about global security, but expressing increasingly divergent views on how to respond.

“It is clear that the trans-Atlantic rift has deepened over the last year,” said William Drozdiak, executive director of the Brussels- based Transatlantic Center of the fund. “Europeans are increasingly dismayed by U.S. leadership and the use of U.S. force.”

Conducted in June, shortly after the end of the Iraq war, the survey showed Americans and Europeans sharing as their top five concerns: international terrorism, Islamic fundamentalism, the Arab-Israeli conflict and weapons of mass destruction in North Korea and Iran.



