Category: US-EU Relations

  • Wake up, Europe, you've a war on your hands

    So says Mark Steyn in today’s Chicago Sun Times. As usual he starts by patting himself on the back Ever since 9/11, I’ve been gloomily predicting the European powder keg’s about to go up. ”By 2010 we’ll be watching burning buildings, street riots and assassinations on the news every night,” I wrote in Canada’s Western…

  • Europe vs America

    This old argument has raised its head again. Andrew Hammel, an American living in Germany, praises how people on this side of the pond live, in celebration of July 4th. He was prompted by Matthew Yglesias writing about how French people live, and this prompted Kevin Drum to jump on the bandwagon. My turn. Says…

  • Poll: In wake of Iraq war, allies prefer China to U.S.

    A little disturbing: In Britain, almost two-thirds of Britons, 65 percent, saw China favorably, compared with 55 percent who held a positive view of the United States. In France, 58 percent had an upbeat view of China, compared with 43 percent who felt that way about the U.S. The results were nearly the same in…

  • The End of Europe

    Robert J. Samuelson in the Washington Post argues that: Unless Europe reverses two trends — low birthrates and meager economic growth — it faces a bleak future of rising domestic discontent and falling global power. Actually, that future has already arrived. A weak European economy is one reason that the world economy is shaky and…

  • Catching up

    I really have been very bad at posting lately, this is for a combination of reasons. I have noticed my monthly output has declined in May and now June, along with google crawls and visitor numbers. My reasons for not posting are not because I don’t want to, but usually because I have been either…

  • A neocon no to Europe

    Robert Kuttner, editor of the American Prospect, praises European developments while criticising neocons in the US. Gerard Baker, writing in the current Weekly Standard, the neoconservative journal, criticizes the administration’s olive branch and warns that Europe is seeking to become a counterweight to the United States in world affairs. The real European goal, writes Baker,…

  • Atlanticist small talk is all that's left

    Mark Steyn with another piece in the Telegraph…Kevin Drum is pretty damning.

  • Warming trends over the Atlantic

    H.D.S. Greenway, a columnist for the Boston Globe provides this piece on the same subject as Dale. He does make some interesting points that I had not really read elsewhere, at least put in the way he puts it, for example: Now that the given reasons for going to war in Iraq have proved bogus,…

  • Rice's tour: Your turn, Europe

    Reginald Dale, editor of the policy quarterly European Affairs and a media fellow of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, with this piece from last week, yeah I meant to blog it, but it got lost in the list of things to blog. But it is relevant now that Bush is in the middle of…

  • David Brooks: Europe and America: A tale of two systems

    David Brooks on US-EU differences.