Category: US-EU Relations

  • Thomas L. Friedman: An American in Europe

    Friedman on being in Europe: That sense that America is now so powerful that it influences everyone else’s politics more than their own governments – so everyone wants to vote in our elections – is something you hear more and more these days. Elizabeth Angell, a 23-year-old American studying at Oxford, told me that a…

  • Holidays and vacations

    Treasa adds her two cents… I believe a lot of people work longer hours to look good. I’ve past experience of that too. I really need to simmer down because ultimately, this doesn’t really matter. I don’t work in America, I don’t want to work in America. I can just about cope with the fact…

  • The Widening Atlantic: Niall Ferguson

    Niall Ferguson is talking about US-European relations, a subject oft-covered on this blog. I am a subscriber so I have full online access to all the Atlantic’s archives, while most of you poor people out there don’t subscribe. I will quote liberally… Putting out his stall, he points out that Bush is one of the…

  • Embraceable E.U.

    Robert Kagan has this interesting article in the WP last week. He is worth quoting at length here: But the crisis in Ukraine shows what an enormous and vital role Europe can play, and is playing, in shaping the politics and economies of nations and peoples along its ever-expanding border. This is no small matter.…

  • U.S.-European discord over Iran is deepening

    Word has it that the Europeans and Americans are falling out again, this time over Iran. Despite a renewed American effort to repair relations with Europe, a disagreement between the Bush administration and European leaders over how best to persuade Iran to abandon its suspected nuclear weapons program has deepened in recent weeks, diplomats on…

  • Radek Sikorski interviews Paul Wolfowitz

    Prospect has an interesting interview with uber-hawk, Paul Wolfowitz. He makes some curious remarks. Go have a look.

  • Nato is a threat to Europe and must be disbanded

    Jonathan Steele argues for the disbandment of NATO: We must go all the way, up to the termination of Nato. An alliance which should have wound up when the Soviet Union collapsed now serves almost entirely as a device for giving the US an unfair and unreciprocated droit de regard over European foreign policy. As…

  • What is this 'European Union'?

    Anne-Marie Slaughter in the IHT, with a piece on the EU. She cites the number of times both George Bush and John Kerry have referred to the European Union – and it’s not often. This bit is good: Suppose the citizens of Ohio or Oregon or Alabama understood that the EU has a larger population…

  • Would Turkey split the EU and the U.S. ?

    Would it? Ian Bremmer in the IHT seems to think Turkey might split the EU and the US.

  • Letter to Europe: Philip Gordon

    Philip Gordon has an article in this months edition of Prospect that is well worth reading. Say thank you Gavin for finding the free version (PDF) on the Brookings Institution website. Gordon is senior fellow in foreign policy studies and director of the Centre on the United States and Europe at the Brookings Institution. A…