Blogging politics

I will be meeting up with now veteran political blogging MP Tom Watson tomorrow for a chat. I met him briefly before, in a haze of booze and lobbyists. Looking forward to meeting up again, and getting his thoughts on blogging, and the future for blogging politicians.






4 responses to “Blogging politics”

  1. Bernie Goldbach avatar

    Just wondering if you’re going to the Vox Politics event on 23 Sep 03 in the American Embassy London. You have to pre-register —

  2. Gavin avatar

    I have emailed James Crabtree already about that, no reply as yet. I hope to be there, cheers for the tip anyway Bernie!

  3. tom avatar

    Veteran? You cheeky scamp. You can buy the first round of coffee for that.


  4. Gavin avatar

    Haha, you can buy the second round of whiskey!