Voxpolitics do

I attended the latest Voxpolitcs do at the US embassy in London last night.

It was a great debate, and a great subject. I especially liked Phil Noble’s presentation. An evangelical Dean supporter he definately is – fascinating facts and stories, including when Howard Dean told his mother that he was running for presidential candidate – as Phil noted in his deep southern accent- “His own mamma laughed at him”.

Security was tight so no cameras or anything allowed, but I was amazed at the huge number of barriers surrounding the embassy, quite a sight.

We all ended up in a bar afterwards (naturally), and I had a great chat with Jim Ledbetter, a Senior Editor from Time magazine (Europe), my submissions for publication in Time are in the works. If it all works out I will have my name in print in Time – whoda thunk it?

Thankfully I didn’t get too drunk – but a great night was had – Ben, Samantha, Jim and Ciaran were the guilty parties. Sam had way too much wine. Ben had alot of Guinness, Ciaran was plastered on Stella, while I was quite drunk on cider. Jim – white wine all night and quite drunk – heads off to LA next week to see the election in action.






3 responses to “Voxpolitics do”

  1. Augustine avatar

    Hey Gavin, speaking of Vox Pop, would you have any ideas/solutions to put forward in my Bloggers Parliament?
    See recent posts on this.

  2. Sam avatar

    Gavin – it was indeed a good night!
    And the event was fairly lively and varied too. Good luck with Time!

  3. Gavin avatar

    I’ll need it.