Catholics against condoms

Top Stories – Reuters

Catholic Churches Say Condoms Don’t Stop AIDS – BBC

LONDON (Reuters) – The lives of Roman Catholics in some of the countries worst hit by HIV (news – web sites)/AIDS (news – web sites) are being put at even greater risk by advice from their churches that the use of condoms does not prevent transmission of the disease, according to a British television program.

If condoms cannot be absolutely guaranteed to block sperm, they stand even less chance of stopping the much smaller virus, the churches’ argument runs.

The Roman Catholic church opposes any form of artificial contraception — particularly condoms, which it says promote promiscuity.

But the traditional opposition is now being reinforced by arguments over their efficacy.

“The moral argument against the use of condoms is being superseded by a clinical argument which is flawed,” said Steve Bradshaw, reporter on the BBC Panorama program “Sex and the Holy City” that will be aired in Britain on Sunday night.

“The Aids virus is roughly 450 times smaller than the spermatozoon,” Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, president of the Vatican (news – web sites)’s Pontifical Council for the Family, told the program.

“The spermatozoon can easily pass through the ‘net’ that is formed by the condom.”

He said that just as health authorities warned about dangers like tobacco, so they had an obligation to issue similar warnings about condoms.

The Archbishop of Nairobi, Raphael Ndingi Nzeki told the program: “AIDS…has grown so fast because of the availability of condoms.”

While in Luak near Lake Victoria, Gordon Wambi, director of an AIDS testing center, said he had been prevented from distributing condoms because of church opposition.

Bradshaw told Reuters the program team did not go out looking for the story, but stumbled across it during research.

“We heard the same line so many times from different people in different places that we decided to approach the Vatican,” he said.

The World Health Organization (news – web sites), guardian watchdog of global wellbeing, rejected the Vatican view.

“These incorrect statements about condoms and HIV are dangerous when we are facing a global pandemic which has already killed more than 20 million people, and currently affects at least 42 million,” the WHO told the program.

It conceded condoms could break or be damaged and permit passage of semen, but said they reduced the risk of infection by 90 percent and were certainly secure enough to prevent passage of the virus if not torn.

Panorama said scientific research had found intact condoms were impermeable to particles as small as sexually transmitted infection pathogens — a view rejected by Trujillo.

“They are wrong about that…this is an easily recognizable fact,” he told the program.

From Nicaragua to Kenya and the Philippines, the Panorama team found the same tale from the Catholic church — that condoms can kill.

No official comment from the Vatican was immediately available on Thursday.

Honestly, I think that Catholic Church tries to take people’s lives under control.
Condoms have been proven to be efficient and to make aids decrease,
even if they’re not a 100% secure.

Churches should not get involved in people’s sexuality. In my opinion, it’s a private matter and has nothing to do with faith and religion.






3 responses to “Catholics against condoms”

  1. Chris Warren avatar
    Chris Warren

    I just recently viewed “Sex and the Holy City”, which was why I googled the Catholic Church’s role in rejecting contraception. I am a Roman Catholic myself, and was completley unaware of the Vaticans role in the proliferation of stupidity. Here in Canada, that role is somewhat diminished, but in 3rd world countries such as Africa, the church is literally killing the people with their Anti-Condom propaganda. Perhaps it is time to re-think what church I support. Do you suppose the new Pope will help to change peoples attitudes? (I didn’t think so)

  2. mdea avatar

    How did Western Civilization become so dispossessed of logic that otherwise intelligent people believe that engaging in the specific behavior that transmits a lethal disease – provided one uses a safeguard with an approximately 30% failure rate – will bring the incidence of said disease down over an abstinence-only program?

  3. me avatar