Administration Faces Supoenas From 9/11 Panel

This is curious stuff, the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States might have to supoena the White House in order to gain access to documents that it believes are being withheld.

According to the cover story on today’s New York Times, Thomas Kean, the head of the Commission is not satisfied with the behaviour of the White House.

Could this have anything to do with an election next year, and information that might come to light involving warnings about planes flying into buildings before 9/11?

I wonder.






2 responses to “Administration Faces Supoenas From 9/11 Panel”

  1. Dave avatar

    Hopefully the 9/11 panel will demand the probe and I’m still hoping the CIA demand the probe over the revealing of the CIA agent’s identity.

  2. Gavin avatar

    I hope so too!