Who am I?

Email him at: gavin AT gavinsblog DOT com

Gavin Sheridan is the founder of this blog. He started blogging back in 2002 because it allowed him to get his opinions thoughts and views to an audience without much expense, or an editor. That was way back in the day when there was only 450,000 bloggers on the planet – that number will surpass 20 million this year. His blog is ranked in the top 5,000 out of those, and in August 2005 his blog passed 1,000,000 page views.

He has been published in such luminary titles as the Irish Examiner and the New Statesman. He drinks Murphy’s or Bulmers, depending on the weather. He previously lived in Dublin and London. He has enjoyed visiting places like Dubai, New York, Philadelphia, Toronto, Ypres, Caen, Halifax, Paris, Boston, Washington D.C. and even local bars in Cork where the Murphy’s is creamy. He is self-taught in everything related to this blog, be it IT, hosting, subject matter or coding. He lacks any qualification, besides a Leaving Certificate. In his spare time he enjoys reading history, politics and more politics. He enjoys music, mainly Irish and classical. He tries to visit art galleries, museums and churches in cities he visits. He is passionate about blogging, about all things blog-related, and always tries to get Irish bloggers out socialising with each other. He also enjoys pints of Murphy’s.

He is currently studying Arts at UCC.

This is his collection of books. (He will read them all someday)

He subscribes to Foreign Policy, The Economist, Foreign Affairs, The Atlantic and the New Statesman. Besides those he tries to get round to reading the Spectator, Magill, Village, The New Republic, Policy Review and all of the blogs listed in his blogroll.

You can look at photos he took here.

Here is one of him during a trip to Toronto.

He is known in the blogosphere for:
His initial distrust of Google
His run-in with author John Gray.
Appearing on Irish television to talk about blogging

Email him with your views: gavin at gavinsblog dot com [replace the ‘at’ with @ and ‘dot’ with ‘.’]






10 responses to “Who am I?”

  1. Brad the Tiler avatar
    Brad the Tiler

    Very impressed with the site but the kangaroo’s gotta go.

  2. faith avatar

    get over the eminem thing! why not talk about stuff that annoys people more than eminem-like the ozbornes-hello get them off the tv!
    Basically i would say that this site has good potential but u need to get over yourselves. Try to look past what interests you so much-cover wider views.

  3. Ed avatar


    I liked your blog. We often pay bloggers to blog for us. The program is simple. You write whatever you like, you just mention a term and link to the page we ask. We pay $5 per posting.

    We can pay through Paypal, or send iTune gift certificates in $10 increments. If you’re interested, please let me know.


  4. Richie B avatar
    Richie B


    I ‘discovered’ you blog about a week or two ago.
    There’s no other reason for this mail than to say that I’m impressed with the site and delighted to see an Irish blog addressing politics, history and the odd bit to tec…

    Good Man,

  5. Ralph Hälbig avatar

    Hi Gavin,

    now I found your Web-Site. I’m very impressed!
    I Have got also a Blog about Caucasus/Georgia!
    See you: georgien.blogspot.com

    Regards, Ralph.

  6. Charles Baker avatar

    Dear Gavin

    Hi there. I am sorry to trouble you, but my name is Charlie Baker from diplo magazine. We are a monthly graphic design and political magazine. We are quite unusual in the sense that we have blended design and politics together and we have had some very positive coverage about it. We are one year old, but still very young for the magazine world.

    Our website (www.diplo-magazine.co.uk) tells you a little bit more about us, but would it be possible to list us (Diplo Magazine) in the Links section under Media on your website.

    I would be very grateful if you could do this and should you require any further information, please do just let me know.



    Charles BAKER
    Diplo Magazine

    Address: Diplo Magazine, 156-158 Gray’s Inn Road, LONDON WC1X 8ED
    Telephone: 020.7833.9766
    Website: http://www.diplo-magazine.co.uk

  7. Calvin Jones avatar

    Dear Sir,
    I have just started a couple of climate change blogs. The first,
    climate change action, covers some of the most important mitigation
    issues and provides regular campaign links to several NGOs. The second
    is called climate change resources, and is a repository of links to
    reports about climate change, specifically, those used in producing
    climate change action.
    Please take a look and see if you think they are worth mentioning on
    youre site, or linking to, they have certainly been a lot of work!


    Yours truly,
    Calvin Jones

  8. Britney Fan avatar

    I like your blog, and the header with the bridge disappearing into the trees is very cool. I have read some of your posts, and I think you are a great blogger. Keep up the good work.

  9. SquishedLizard avatar

    Just stumbled upon your blog earlier this evening in my search of Bill Hicks transcripts. I must say, I do like it. “Very impressed with the site but the kangaroo’s gotta go.” – I don’t see any kangaroo lol, and I can’t tell if I feel more sane, or less sane because of that. ^_^


  10. Deepak avatar

    I have more than 2 yrs experience in writing content, website reviews, forums, blogs etc. and in link building and SEO work. Pls let me know if interested.