A Big Fat Fraud

The very attractive editor of the Nation, Katrina, with a slew of criticisms of Bush’s 9/11 commercial, full of good links and good ideas. A short but enlightening read.






2 responses to “A Big Fat Fraud”

  1. Knux avatar

    A good read? Please. It criticizes Bush for going to Nebraska to a bunder. Is that a good critique? Nope. National leaders like Bush can and should be protected to make sure if there isn’t more attacks. Whats next, you gonna hate Bush for standing up for his moral views?

    Leave your tripe at home.

  2. Gavin avatar

    My tripe is at home – on my blog home. And not sure its tripe. I agree with you on the point made about that, i questioned in my mind too. But lots of other points in there too.