Nova Scotia

It’s off to Nova Scotia I go. Had a great time in Toronto – I shall definately make a return visit.






7 responses to “Nova Scotia”

  1. Eva avatar

    It was great meeting you! I just blogged about you, in case you want to read what people say about you “behind your back”.
    If you decide to train back from Halifax, let me know how that is. I’m considering doing that train trip sometime this summer.

  2. Rannie Turingan avatar


    You are a fine young man, and we’ll be more than happy to have you in our fair city again. Maybe next time you should bring some sunshine with you.

    Be well and have a safe trip.

  3. kelly avatar

    Hi Gavin – Glad to hear you managed to catch a flight out today. Thanks again for the rounds (and rounds, and rounds and rounds) of drinks last night. I had a great time ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. liz! avatar

    It was really great meeting you! Enjoy the rest of your trip!

  5. voxpopgirl avatar

    yo Gav, you’re welcome back to the T-dot anytime… you rock.

    and it’s so ironic that i finally got to meet my fellow toronto bloggers because of — you!

    maybe next time we can all hookup back at voxpopgirl manor ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. voxpopgirl avatar

    p.s. you mentioned Air America yesterday — well, i’m listening to live streaming liberal Air America radio right now as i write this.

    Al Franken debuted at noon…

    and i’m listening to Randi Rhodes right now; she was speaking to Ralph Nader;

    she said “i’m angry at you, and we can’t afford you!”

    she says, it’s not that i don’t like or or that you’re not great, but like a really rockin’ pair of expensive shoes that i might want, i still can’t buy em, cuz i can’t afford them, just like we can’t afford you”, and risk electing Bush.

    Nader got pissed off (cuz she’s a loud New Yorker) and he complained about her “interviewing techniques”.

    She told him “don’t tell me how to do radio. I’ve been doing it for 20 years”.

    and Nader hung up on her!

    you gotta love it.

    so if you have a net connection in Nova Scotia, go to and they provide you with a Real Audio link.

    enjoy Halifax and don’t forget to enjoy the lobsters!

  7. circe avatar

    Hi Gavin,
    I stumbled upon your blog and can’t wait to take a few minutes and read your posts. Have a wonderful weekend!
    Circe ๐Ÿ™‚