To advertise or not to advertise?

If present trends continue I will have to upgrade my server – so many people are visiting now that it is coming close to the 7Gb bandwidth allowance I am allowed each month. If it goes over that limit I have to pay for each and every Mb thereafter.

Upgrading my server will cost me more money, which I do not mind paying, but a little help with it would be nice.

So there are two things I can do, plead for donations, accept advertisements, or maybe both. So what do I do? Go for BlogAds? Google Ads? How much would it help? Is it worth it?

It is something I am considering, my rank on Google recently went up to 7/10, and visitor numbers have grown rapidly in the last 2 months. I think if numbers are reaching 2,500 a day I will have to consider some form advertising, much as I dislike the thought.






2 responses to “To advertise or not to advertise?”

  1. Bernie avatar

    It sounds like your visitorship parallels mine and when I was faced with a sustainability problem, I went to Typepad where I spend $15 each month. I distribute some of my images on a separate server which keeps my monthly transfer below 5GB. If you don’t want to optimise your Google Ads, you can count on $1 a day coming from your traffic. There’s an added bonus–PR goes up by at least one step the moment the Google MediaBot starts visiting while monitoring advertisement placement.

  2. Gavin avatar

    one dollar a day? hardly seems worth it…