This misadventure happened to a 12 years old Eminem fan

This misadventure actually happened to a 12 years old Eminem fan in 2000:

The young 12 years old Eminem fan wanted to play a song of his favorite rap star on the juke box on August the 30th 2000 and to enjoy it with several of his friends at Willie Lanes, a local cafe. While he has playing the Eminem song, a 18 years old man walked up to him and asked:”Are you playing an Eminem song?”
When the boy answered positively the question, Lucas Cofta went angry and put a stick pool in front of the young boy so he couldn’t escape. He started acting foolishly and chased him, grabbed him and chocked him into unconsciousness.
He only managed to escape to Lucas Cofta by biting his arm when his aggressor rammed him at the end of the table.
When the police arrested Mr Cofta he argued that he was just “messing around” with his little victim. He was enventually charged for felony in Court in September 2000:

What about a little bit of tolerance, Mr Cofta?



