Sudan genocide

Ingrid has been doing some sterling work on the problems in the Sudan. As Glenn Reynolds would say, keep scrolling.






9 responses to “Sudan genocide”

  1. Ingrid avatar

    Hey Gavin you sweetie pie. Thanks so much for picking up on the Sudan. Sorry though you did not link to the Sudan blog “Passion of the Present” out of Harvard – Jim Moore is working awfully hard on it and gets feedback on who’s helping to raise awareness via tracking links to the Sudan blog. If I could twist your gorgeous 23-year-old arm into putting a link to

    as an update in your post – or in your sidebar – I’m sure Jim would be most grateful. Yesterday Oxford launched a new appeal for Western Sudan. And Kofi Annan is speaking at Harvard on June 10th. Jim and several others living in the Boston/Cambridge area are planning a peace rally for the Sudan on that day.

    RSS feed is

  2. Gavin avatar

    Something has to be done Ingrid..

  3. Ingrid avatar

    Oxford?! I meant Oxfam. Note the time on my last comment. It’s amazing where time goes when your trying to catch up on a few blogs here and there…write a few posts… respond to a few comments… I always marvel at how journalists come up with two-page spreads – in papers like the Sunday Times – on complex breaking news stories. It takes me all day to publish a few posts to my weblog.

  4. Jim Dunlap avatar


    Since it appears that you are familiar with the devastation wrought by genocide in Darfur, Western Sudan, where outlaw Islamic militias are
    killing Nubian Christians, in Nigeria, where the Christians and Moslems are killing each other, and in Kosovo in central Europe, where Moslems are killing Serbian Christians. It’s a series of atrocities spread across Europe and Africa, and I have a website dedicated to the victims:

    I am requesting the you send a poem for the webpages if you are a poet, sign the guestbook, send the url on to anyone you know who might wish to help stop the carnage, or all of the above.

    Thanks for your time and consideration,

    Jim Dunlap, webmaster
    Voices for Africa

  5. avatar

    Exactly right.

    This is genocide.

    We must stop it.

    Why the silence? Europe, the Arab league, China — influential trading partners and countries with close ties — must bring pressure.

    Sudan’s leading trade partners are: China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Britain, Germany

    Spread this Googlebomb for Sudan:

  6. oops avatar

    URLS dont seem to work:

    Google bomb: Sudan, with the URL as

    Thanks !

  7. chissango avatar

    maybe we can begin it here..the issue of the Nubians being forced to extinction in Sudan whilst we idle about, doing nothing, saying nothing, pains my heart to the core.These same Arabs are the same devious people who forced the original Black Kemites from Egypt southwards…I would like to be involved if anybody is interested….Its a shame really that we cant even register our anger at such brutal attacks on our own peoples….i think we are on the right track though…keep the fire burning , all the Nubians who are so passionate about our world, I hope something concrete will rise from the seeds you/we sow in the internet forums, everything has got a beginning, but lest we remain fixated in the preliminaries

  8. Chris avatar

    Here’s an interesting documentary on the sudan crisis:

  9. arch avatar

    Du musst ein Fachmann sein – wirklich guter Aufstellungsort, den du hast!