Oil chief: my fears for planet

The head of one of the world’s biggest oil companies has admitted that the threat of climate change makes him “really very worried for the planet“.
In an interview in today’s Guardian Life section, Ron Oxburgh, chairman of Shell, says we urgently need to capture emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, which scientists think contribute to global warming, and store them underground – a technique called carbon sequestration.






4 responses to “Oil chief: my fears for planet”

  1. Peter Nolan avatar

    Nit-Picking Blogger: My Fears for the Accuracy of the Guardian’s Environmental Reporting

    Let’s see what the reaction is from sources other than the spokesmen of Big Green. I suspect there’s a bit of the Gilliganisation we’ve come to expect in the Guardian’s coverage of the issue involved here.

  2. Peter Nolan avatar

    The oil project is definitely up and running, if you want to come along to observe and/or participate.

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  3. Gavin avatar

    Excellent stuff Peter – ill have a read.