Islamic militants execute captured US Marine

The BBC is reporting that the captured US Marine, Cpl Wassef Ali Hassoun, has been executed. The report originated from al-Jazeera.






3 responses to “Islamic militants execute captured US Marine”

  1. anonymous avatar

    My prayers are with him and his family. God bless you. You served our country with pride and given the ultimate price to protect us. Thanks mighty soldier, May you rest in peace now, For your work on earth is now done.

  2. burnjews avatar

    all terrorist must die. It should be death penalty for those who has droped bombs on innocent cvillian and especially innocent woman, children and old man.

    Down with US imperialism and whosoever support them.LOng live osama bin laden

  3. burn jews avatar
    burn jews

    gorge bush is the greatest terrorist on earth.
    number 2 is Tony puppet number 3 little johny puppet. Those 3 world top terrorist on earth.

    Down with US. Long live fredom fighters who are confronting the superpower without weapon of mass destruction. They do not need weapon of mass destruction to confront US terrorist and their allies with or without weapon of mass destruction they’re capable. They can allways ambush them, any time. (Che Guvara may rest in peace)instead of US terrorist.)