Interesting referral

On occasion I have a look at who was visiting, most interesting one today:

Domain Name ? (Commercial)
IP Address 64.154.26.# (ARIN)
Language Setting English
Operating System Microsoft WinXP
Browser Internet Explorer 6.0
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; Q312461; .NET CLR 1.0.3705)
Time of Visit Jun 30 2004 6:04:02 pm
Last Page View Jun 30 2004 6:04:40 pm
Visit Length 38 seconds
Page Views 2
Referring URL….b-web-t&cop=mss&tab=
Search Engine:
Search Words: carole coleman

Visit Entry Page http://www.gavinsblo…archives/001314.html
Visit Exit Page http://www.gavinsblo…archives/001314.html
Time Zone UTC+3:00
BT – Baghdad Time
MSK – Moscow Time
Visitor’s Time Jun 30 2004 9:04:02 pm






One response to “Interesting referral”

  1. Tony avatar

    Hey Gavin …

    If you can tell who visits your site, you might want to performed a current search, you’d probably wet your pants seeing how many times I’ve enter your site over the past month. My search history states 11 times at least in one day. At work, I’m in and out as I can’t stay on for long periods.

    But sorry to burst your bubble, its more for reasearch on a project I’ve been working on for the past year, not because I’m breathless to hear what you have to say next. Yet, regarding your Public Inquiry site … uhmm … perhaps.