Irish Blogger Party, July 10th, Market Bar, Dublin

Fellow bloggers and loyal readers, the Irish Blogger Party will be held in the Market Bar, Dublin, on the 10th of July. Anyone wishing to turn up can do so, this includes bloggers and readers (people might just be curious to meet who they read), and anyone wanting to bring friends along, feel free. This is an open event. It would actually be great to meet some of the readers. (If there are any!)

I won’t give a time for everyone to turn up, but I would say anytime after 6 would be great. Myself and the lads from BSD should be lashing away at the pints by then. We expect to be still there into the wee hours of the morning, or until the bar closes, whichever comes first.

Myself and Dick O’Brien should be there early, in the upstairs section of the bar. A reserved area cannot be made, as the bar do not do so on weekends. I will try and save an area for everyone, if I get there early enough.

I am not sure how many to expect, so if you could leave a comment here, or email me at gavin AT gavinsblog DOT com, and let me know that you are coming, and how many you might be taking along with you.

If you need any help in finding the venue email me, and I will send you mine or Dick’s mobile number. Here is the address of the bar.

The best directions I can give is to look for Hogans on Georges Street, go up the side street beside it, and the Market Bar will be on your left.

I hope you can all make it.






8 responses to “Irish Blogger Party, July 10th, Market Bar, Dublin”

  1. Tony Allwright avatar

    I’ll be there, earlyish. Wearing a name tag.

    T o n y
    Tallrite Blog

  2. John avatar

    Gavin, thanks for the invite, but I won’t be able to make it.

  3. John avatar

    I should have signed off with Irish Eagle — John

  4. Harold Strong avatar
    Harold Strong

    I have to go away that weekend. Would love to have met the bodies behind the blogs! I’ve been reading and enjoying for the last few months. Look forward to the next time.

  5. caitriona avatar

    arrrgh! ta for the invite, but i’ll be at oxegen. if it goes well, you’ll have to stage a follow up event, i’ve been missing out on these blog-meets for years now.

  6. Keith Gaughan avatar

    I won’t be able to go this time unfortunately. Don’t have the money right now, and I’m concentrating on getting a job and writing a new blog engine to replace

    Maybe the next one though.

  7. Gavin avatar

    This cant be good, more cancellations than i expected!

  8. Irish Blogger Party
    Gavin has posted details of the Irish Blogger Party on Saturday 10th July. It’s happening in the Market Bar, George’s Street from 6pm onwards. The invite is open to Bloggers and anyone brave enough to admit reading any of what…