NASA's Aura Spacecraft Launches from Vandenberg

This one for the naysayers of global warming, I wonder what this new satellite will find? It should do some important science I imagine.

With the launch of Aura, the first series of NASA’s Earth Observing System satellites is complete. The other satellites are Terra, which monitors land, and Aqua, which observes Earth’s water cycle.
Aura will help answer three key scientific questions: Is the Earth’s protective ozone layer recovering? What are the processes controlling air quality? How is the Earth’s climate changing? NASA expects early scientific data from Aura within 30-90 days.

Aura will also help scientists understand how the composition of the atmosphere affects and responds to Earth’s changing climate.
The results from this mission will help scientists better understand the processes that connect local and global air quality.






3 responses to “NASA's Aura Spacecraft Launches from Vandenberg”

  1. Gaylord Fokker avatar

    NASA is also sending a ship out to Mercury to collect information. Unfortunately the first flyby won’t be until 2008 and won’t be actually doing much of values until 2011. Such a long time to wait.

  2. Gaylord Fokker avatar

    NASA is sending out a ship to Mercury to collect information. Unfortunately, it won’t do a flyby until 2008 and won’t be doing much of any value until 2011. Such a long time to wait.

  3. Gaylord Fokker avatar

    bah – sorry about the accidental double post (now triple).