Police hunt for 'stolen' U2 album

Bad news for Bono. Good news for Kazaa users? Not sure if it has leaked out yet, but I imagine anyone hosting it will face some stiff legal action.

A rough cut of a new album by U2 has gone missing from a photo shoot – prompting fears it may be posted on the internet months before its release.
Police in Nice, in the south of France, said the band had made statements about a possible theft after the shoot at a recording studio in the city.

About 20 people are being questioned about the material’s disappearance at the Victorine studios on Tuesday.

The album, which has not yet been named, is due for release in November.






3 responses to “Police hunt for 'stolen' U2 album”

  1. Emily avatar

    Hmm…criminal connivance, or marvelous publicity stunt? I mean, you’d think they’d keep their work relatively guarded and not cart it around to places like photo shoots, especially given the technology available that could pass it the world over in minutes. Right? Or am I too cynical?

  2. Gaylord Fokker avatar

    I thought about that Emily – but I don’t think U2 really needs to stoop to cheap publicity stunts. They can sell millions of CDs without hype.

  3. Gavin avatar

    I agree, they dont need any hype, sounds like an oversight on somebody’s part.