Michelle evicted

Aw poor Michelle will no longer be able to shag her dear chicken Stu. And Jay has to put up with another week of what is hell for him. Why the sudden turn in public opinion against Michelle? Her tongue constanly hanging out after Stu?






2 responses to “Michelle evicted”

  1. Ingrid avatar

    Hey Gavin, you’re quick at posting. That only happened 15 minutes ago. I think you’re right. People probably thought she was boringly clingy, obsessive, possessive and pushy too. She pushed her chicken stew under that table 🙂

  2. David avatar

    Yeah, Gavin. Mincing your words as usual?! Any chance of a linguistic class……….?
    Julie says hello or greetings and salutations.
    She likes to think that she knows quite a bit about computers. We had a great time in Dublin this weekend. We visited Trinity College and attempted to achieve a higher state of grace!
    This alas could only be found by drinking copious amounts of alcohol..alas culture had little impression on our quaffing!!
    We are staying in the Clarence Hotel and are luxuriating on the enormous double bed.
    Dave says your ‘bollocks’