New CIA director/Sep 11

I do like a good conspiracy theory. And I have spent the last few nights lurking around several sites like or

Low and behold an interesting twist in the tale of new CIA head, Porter Goss.

On the morning of Tuesday, Sept. 11, in a room on the House side of the Capitol, Sen. Bob Graham, D-Fla., and Rep. Porter Goss, R-Fla. — the chairmen of the Senate and House Intelligence Committees, respectively — met for breakfast. Also at the meeting were Sen. John Kyl, R-Ariz., and some other members of the House Intelligence Committee.

They were meeting with the Pakistani ambassador to the U.S., Maleeha Lodhi, and the director of Pakistani intelligence, Lt. Gen. Mahmud Ahmed. They were talking about the late-August trip Goss, Graham, and Kyl had made to Pakistan.

Mahmood [different spelling from that used in quote above] is the subject of a number of allegations on the part of theorists. He was sacked on October 7 2001, apparently for being too close to the Taliban.

But theorists believe he was sacked for other reasons. They believe that while head of the ISI Mahmood ordered an aide to wire transfer $100,000 to one Mohammed Atta.

And who makes the wire transfer at Mahmood’s direction? Ahmad Umar Sheik, the lead suspect in the kidnapping and murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl.

I love it, be it true or not. And by the way I will be blogging the most interesting theories that I find, for my own records, so if you don’t like conspiracy theories then please ignore.



