Category: September 11

  • Remembering September 11

    Seven years have flown by. It only seems like last week. For some reason this photo has been one of the most provocative of that day for me. I guess it brings the scale of the day down to a micro level. The entire Flickr set from Hiroshima is here. What is interesting now too…

  • Fitna the Movie: Geert Wilders' film about the Quran

    Explicit warning: This video contains some VERY graphic images and audio, please do not watch it unless you are prepared to see and hear them. BBC news story here. Personally, I found the film extremely upsetting. If you would rather not experience that upset, do not watch it. I do see merit in the argument…

  • Six years

    It still all seems so unreal. And it only seems like yesterday.

  • On the falling man

    Markham and Richard are disagreeing about the famous WTC jumper photo. Markham notes: The Falling Man is the perfect news photo. It’s clean and symmetrical; it has incredible impact on the reader; it portrays the horror of an event, a warzone disaster situation, without being sullied by debris, smoke, or facial expressions. We don’t need…

  • New York releases 9/11 documents

    New York has finally released the documents sought by the New York Times: The documents released on Friday include about 15 hours of radio communications between dispatchers and firefighters at the World Trade Center. They also include more than 12,000 pages of individual oral histories compiled by the department in October 2001. The New York…

  • 9/11 babies inherit stress from mothers

    It seems that the trauma of September 11 lives on: A study of 38 women who witnessed the World Trade Center attacks was carried out by researchers from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, UK, and the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, US, one year after the events. Cortisol levels were lower…

  • Lone Gunmen and 9/11

    I just came across this interesting story. I do remember that as X-Files was winding up, a spin off series, the Lone Gunmen, was piloted. I think it was shown over here on Sky One, but I never got to see it. It was based on the three geek-types fron the X-Files. Curiously the pilot…

  • Pentagon: Rumsfeld misspoke on Flight 93 crash

    One for my September 11 conspiracy theory category: In the speech, Rumsfeld made a passing reference to United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed in Pennsylvania after passengers attempted to stop al Qaeda hijackers. But in his remarks, Rumsfeld referred to the “the people who attacked the United States in New York, shot down the plane…

  • Arrived in Dubai

    Well I made it to Dubai last night, here is a rather bad night picture of Sheikh Zayed Road. Yes I did have a few pints on me at the time. And bleedin hell its hot. I got a taxi last night with some Syrian guy, we drove past the American Hospital, and I half…

  • Danny Lewin

    Another curious Sep 11 story, I do not either fully believe or fully disbelieve these stories, but I find them interesting nonetheless. An FAA memo written on the evening of 9/11 suggests a man on Flight 11 was shot and killed by a gun before the plane crashed into the WTC. [See the leaked FAA…