How good are Ireland's schools?

Dick O’Brien and William Sjostrom have been duking it out on the free vs fee debate in regard to Ireland’s schools.

Is William not relying on an entirely anecdotal example? I am not sure that one story such as that would put me off public schools, well in fact it wouldn’t. I went through the public system and I turned out fine. Whoops. That’s my anecdote.

Surely the stats Dick quotes are a more reliable source than anecdotes?

Or why not just do the two, go through a public school, and send ’em off to a Leaving Cert crash course for the last year?

Are most of the new students starting in UCC this September really that badly educated?






3 responses to “How good are Ireland's schools?”

  1. Dick O'Brien avatar

    Funny, the same question crossed my mind.

  2. niall avatar

    If you’ve time, you guys could just pop across to Scotland and see how to do it properly!

  3. Gavin avatar

    Scotland? What on earth would they know!? Hehe.