Celeb watch

For those of you interested in celebrities, Matt Damon and George Clooney were apparently out last night in the pub across the road from where I am staying. I think they are out here filming something or other. Sure holy jaysus!






3 responses to “Celeb watch”

  1. John Kushiner avatar

    I heard on the radio that Matt Damon is seeing a hypnotist to aid in his quitting smoking quest (they say he has a 2 pack a day habit). Might be good to cap a photo of him smoking in a pub and sell it to the tabloids!

  2. Jennifer avatar

    What IS the world coming to?!
    Fancy seeing Matt Damon……………….!
    Hey, I saw Ant and Dec at the airport in Dublin recently, looking, I must add, decidedly chipper, if not a tad tired and world weary! I think that celebs get far too much hassle about their personal habits from the public service industry. I am afraid that I DO NOT CARE whether Matt Damon has to employ a hypnotist to help him stop a habit which currently makes anyone the social equivalent of a leper. I, myself, have a three lighter a day habit, yet do not rely on suggestion, insertion (accupuncture), nor denial (the friend that steals ALL the ciggarettes to help you stop method) to avoid the fact that I am weak willed and have an intrinsic inability to stop my body craving nictoine. PHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWW! that feels better…………Oh, I saw Lenny Henry outside the local high street book store last Christmas, do I get a free gift or prize for this hat trick?!?!?!?

  3. John Kushiner avatar

    Celebrity kooks and the paparazzi are stupid stupid stupid. Matt Damon is obviously just as weak as you and I when it comes to smoking.

    has a great post about a Metallica documentary she just watched. They are just a bunch of guys who have to hire a shrink in order to continue on with things. That’s not much different from a lot of folks I know.