Will Pee Wee Hermann really sue Eminem?

« So sue me… ». Eminem’s statement seems to be taken very literally by some people. Not only his mom and his ex wife, but also people from the music industry like the French pianist Jacques Loussier have intended to take Marshall Mathers to Court. It seems like Eminem’s name and fortune is an easy way to get some rapid publicity and a big maggot at the same time in many people’s mind. If it wasn’t the case, Eminem wouldn’t have collected so many lawsuits in a couple of years.

Michael Jackson got mad at Eminem for making fun of him in his recent « Just Lose It ». I concede it to you: Jacko is wealthy enough and he probably does it out of anger, in reaction to the video.

According to recent rumors, a new enemy might soon be added to Eminem’s list.
Although he dedicates them some more time, MC Hammer, Michael Jackson and Madonna are not the only victims of Eminem’s new video. Do you remember the beginning of « Just Lose It »?
Eminem appears dressed as Pee Wee Hermann….who is rumored to drop another lawsuit against Slim Shady:


Frankly, if this rumor is true, it is just ridiculous.
First, the Pee Wee parody wasn’t that offensive. Second, this parody is much more like publicity for a man who seems to have been forgotten by the public for a while.

I keep asking myself why people don’t try to understand Eminem’s sense of humor instead of getting mad at him at first sight. Or are some of them in desperate need of money? That might be the right answer to my question.



