Screams will not be heard

Madeleine Bunting believes Fallujah will be a bloodbath, but seems to make some strange suggestions:

The recent comment of one Falluja resident is strikingly poignant: “Why,” she asked wearily, “don’t they go and fight in a desert away from houses and people?” Why indeed? Twentieth-century warfare ensured a remarkable historical inversion. Once the city had been the place of safety to retreat to in a time of war, the place of civilisation against the barbarian wilderness; but the invention of aerial bombardment turned the city into a target, a place of terror.

I think it would be ever so convenient for Zarqawai and his thugs to be in a house out in the desert, but they are not. They are in Fallujah.

The problem with any victory for the US is that it will likely be a pyrrhic one.






2 responses to “Screams will not be heard”

  1. William avatar

    Well, she was right. Red Cross apparently fear there may be 800 dead civilians ( on top of the 12-1600 insurgents. Sheesh. Just like Saddam putting down the Shias in 1991, eh?

  2. Gavin avatar

    But will it stop the insurgents operations, or simply move them elsewhere?