Irish Bloggers Xmas Bash?

Back in July many Irish bloggers gathered in the Market Bar in Dublin for a few pints and some beer. And some more beer.

The two stragglers – myself and Dick O’Brien drunkenly agreed that Irish blog events should happen on a bi-annual basis. The time is fast approaching for another Irish blog event – and while it is short notice I am suggesting Saturday December 18th as a date for Irish blogger Christmas drunkeness.

Of course I could end up drinking on my own for this one – all interested bloggers (and readers) drop me a line or leave a comment.






12 responses to “Irish Bloggers Xmas Bash?”

  1. annette avatar

    Hi Gavin – I will be in New York on 18th December meeting up with a bunch of American Bloggers on the same night…maybe we can web conference the antics!

  2. David Stewart avatar

    Ok. Count me in.

  3. Peter Nolan avatar

    I’m in town from the 22nd, which would allow you to schedule to meet or avoid me, as you prefer!

  4. Gavin avatar

    22nd is a bit too close to Christmas isnt it?

  5. Peter Nolan avatar

    All my family and friends events are typically in Dublin, but there’s a pile of work-related functions in London that can’t really be skipped – compulsory fun and all that. This time of year, I’m left with only the early hours of the morning to myself, unless I get lucky.

  6. Dick O'Brien avatar

    I’m heading to Spain on the 18th and won’t be back until January 4th. If it’s any earlier than that I’d certainly be up for it.

  7. Gavin avatar

    Crapola, how about the 11th everyone? Err maybe next Saturday is a bit too soon!

  8. niall avatar

    I’m hopefully taking the girl to Dublin for a few days around that time, will endeavour to look in and say hello. Will I know ye by the laptops on the table? The pints of fresh orange and lemonade? The loud chat of Saakashvili and Dawkins?

  9. Frank McGahon avatar

    Sat 18th is a probable last minute Christmas shopping opportunity for me so it’s a possible, although Dublin is probably going to be DuBedlam until Christmas…

  10. Gavin avatar

    Twill be busy, but sure better atmosphere I guess –

    Could everyone spread the word – im suggestin Market Bar 8pm, but i be there earlier like last time

  11. Tony Allwright avatar

    Would love to come once more, but will be in Budapest until the 20th. An alternative date might be a weekday between Christmas and New Year when things are generally dull and clashing engagements few.

  12. Peter Nolan avatar

    Yeah, having it between Stephen’s Day and New Year might avoid a domestic tragedy.