Xmas party on 18th?

Input has been varied, with a number of people engaged on the 18th. There has been some suggestions of a party between Christmas Day and New Years – a difficult one for me since I have a relative’s wedding to attend in Cork.

I suggest two parties, one on the 18th, another on a date to be decided.

I really need an idea of how many are willing to attend on the 18th of December, Market Bar, Dublin, around 7pm – till late.

All takers can leave a comment or drop me a mail – gavin at gavinsblog dot com.

I will publish a list of attendees with their permission. A small gathering is likely given the proximity to Christmas, but I am sure we can make up for it with alot of booze.






8 responses to “Xmas party on 18th?”

  1. Caoimhe avatar

    I have a prior commitment on the 18th and with the season thats in it I can’t really cancel. However I would dearly like to attend at a later date before New Year and will make special effort to make any date suggested.

  2. Gavin avatar

    LOL is anyone actually keen on the 18th?

  3. Dick O'Brien avatar

    Well, how’s about mid-January for an alternative/second date?

  4. Gavin avatar

    I think you may be right Dick. Interest has been understandbly small so close to xmas – 2005 xmas party?

  5. Mary avatar

    Hi Gavin, New Year sounds like a great idea..
    Happy Christmas

  6. Frank McGahon avatar

    I won’t be able to make the 18th but mid Jan would be gran(d)

  7. Gavin avatar

    January it is then! Put it in your diary folks – mid Jan, 15th or 22nd, Dublin.

  8. Karlin avatar

    Was wondering what had happened with this! In January we will all be in need of refueling somewhere, so those dates sounds good.