Tsunami Videos

Cheese and Crackers just got hit with 1.8 million visitors looking for Tsunami videos. Many of them are BitTorrents, but he also has WMVs, MP4s and ASFs. Many of the visitors seem to be coming from Drudge. Some of the videos give you an idea of the size of the waves – many of them I had not seen on TV news. He also reports that many bloggers are being hit with huge bandwidth bills for hosting that amount of content, including punditguy, who got $1000 bill.

Update: It seems this is getting more coverage. It should be noted I noticed Cheese and Crackers topping the Truth Laid Bear traffic listings. Malachy Joyce dropped me a mail with a roundup.







5 responses to “Tsunami Videos”

  1. melanie avatar

    my dad is missing in the tsunami attck

  2. melanie avatar

    i think my dad is dead and im only 12
    i found out that he was dead today and today is my birthday

  3.  avatar

    that is sad

  4. Andrew Stanfield avatar
    Andrew Stanfield

    What did you do.

  5. max191 avatar

    It seems that you are maintaining a steady blogging pace. Well done! Looking for more updates from your end. Thanks a lot!
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